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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Kimmey lab values diversity of race, identity, experience, background, career goals and opinions. We are committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment to stimulate respectful conversation to promote continued learning and self growth. We strive to be aware of systemic and implicit biases within our society, cultures, and educational systems.
We enthusiastically support diversity in STEM, and we reserve at least one spot for scholars in STEM access programs such as UC LEADs, MARC, PREP. Jacqueline owes her success in research to the UC LEADs and MARC programs, and is honored to have the privilege to support the continued growth of such programs. In fact, the priority that the university places on diversity and inclusion, as well as the very frequent, active conversations surrounding how to "do better" were major factors in Jacqueline's decision to start the lab at UC Santa Cruz.
We do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia or bigotry. Period.

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